Our war with the environment is leading to pandemics | The Conversation
They might sound unrelated, but the COVID-19 crisis and the climate and biodiversity crises are deeply connected.
Saudi's crude oil price cut may set off price war in Middle East | SP Global
Singapore — Saudi Arabia's decision to cut its crude oil prices sharply over the weekend has added pressure on other Middle East producers to follow suit or risk losing market share, setting the stage for a price war in the region, market participants said Monday.
Saudi Arabia, over the weekend, announced deep cuts in the price of its oil for customers globally after falling out with Russia on further production cuts to support prices. The price cuts were deepest for Europe -- a move that's widely seen as a direct challenge to Russia -- one of the region's biggest oil supplier.
G20 sounds alarm over climate emergency despite US objections | The Guardian
Reuters reported that the communique issued at the end of the meetings in the oil-rich Gulf state would be the first to include references to climate change since the foundation in 1999 of the group of 19 leading industrial nations and the EU.
Expanding summers and shrinking winters | The Australia Institute
Over the last two decades, summers in the most populous areas of Australia are a month longer than in the 1950s and 1960s. Summers over the last five years were longer still, reaching twice the length of winters in those years. Longer, more extreme summers will have increasingly profound impacts on Australian health, food production and quality of life.
Companies will fill leadership vacuum on climate, ICC chief warns | SMH
In an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, Mr Denton said the ICC had an "absolute, explicit" commitment to global climate goals of limiting temperature increases to 1.5 degrees and achieving net zero emissions status within three decades.
JP Morgan economists warn climate crisis is threat to human race | The Guardian
The world’s largest financier of fossil fuels has warned clients that the climate crisis threatens the survival of humanity and that the planet is on an unsustainable trajectory, according to a leaked document.
The governance professional’s guide to better managing climate change risks | Governance Institute
The Governance Institute of Australia has released guidance for company directors and other governance professionals that breaks down the complexity of identifying and disclosing climate change-related risks.
A 60% rise in industrial emissions points to failure of Coalition's 'safeguard mechanism' | The Guardian
RepuTex’s executive director, Hugh Grossman, said emissions from electricity generation had fallen 9% since 2005, but those gains were being eroded by unchecked carbon pollution in other areas. “While we have seen record levels of investment in renewable energy technology in the electricity sector, the industrial sector has been largely missing from the national emissions reduction challenge,” he said.
Business leaders back net zero emissions by 2050 | AFR
Blackrock is getting serious about climate change | World Resources Institute
Our investment conviction is that sustainability and climate-integrated portfolios can provide better risk-adjusted returns to investors. And with the impact of sustainability on investment returns increasing, we believe that sustainable investing is the strongest foundation for client portfolios going forward.
Climate change 'could trigger a financial crisis' and central banks may have to bail out fossil fuel operators | ABC News
Dear Davos: Read Klaus Schwab's letter to all participants in full | WEF
Climate change threatens future of Australian Open and summer sports | The New Daily
Physical risk from climate change impacts summer sports events.
Davos 2020: Ursula von der Leyen warns China to price carbon or face tax | FT
Australia will need to account for its carbon footprint if it wants to trade with the EU.
Climate crisis fills top five places of World Economic Forum’s risks report | The Guardian
The World Economic Forum’s annual risks report found that, for the first time in its 15-year history, the environment filled the top five places in the list of concerns likely to have a major impact over the next decade.
Greta Thunberg: Our house is still on fire and you're fuelling the flames | WEF speech
I wonder, what will you tell your children was the reason to fail and leave them facing the climate chaos you knowingly brought upon them? The 1.5-degree target? That it seemed so bad for the economy that we decided to resign the idea of securing future living conditions without even trying?
My Climate Action Conundrum – beyond weak targets and Kyoto carryovers | Alan Pears
London, New York mayors urge cities to divest from fossil fuels | Trust.org
None of the C40 cities that have divested their pension funds has seen worse performance and some have done better by removing fossil fuels, C40 said. We don't expect it to have a negative effect at all on the income of pension funds," Hanisch said. "If anything we expect it to have a positive impact.
Finance counts the cost of the bushfire catastrophe | AFR
Where the law requires the disclosure of climate risk, needless to say it should be done in a way that's useful and relevant to the market", he said. "Where climate risk is material, we're actively encouraging directors and advisers to provide voluntary disclosure to the market.